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Last summer. a group of educators met at the annual SMART Exemplary Educator Summit in Calgary Canada. We came up with the idea to bridge th...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Finland celebrates its 99th birthday

Today has been a very special day in Cronhjelmskolan in Larsmo. We have celebrated our country's independence day which was December 6th. There was a big celebration for students and staff in our school's gymnasium. Since the Finnish flag is white with a blue cross on, the decorations were in blue and white.

Finland has now been independent for 99 years! Today's celebration contained glimpses from past and present and we sang of course our national anthem!

The program consisted of music, poems, a short theater performance, a short movie about Finland's history and then in the end we enjoyed traditional Finnish Christmas food!


  1. The students in Pennsylvania find this so interesting! Your country is so young! We are used to our country being considered the "young one."

  2. Yes, Finland is a young country. Next year the independence day celebrations will be even bigger when we'll celebrate 100 years as an independent country!
